Helping SEO Agencies Relax

Privacy Policy

Securing Your Digital Footprint: Our Commitment to Your Privacy

At Infulencer Outreach Solutions, we prioritize the privacy and security of our agency partners and their clients. Our Privacy Policy outlines our approach to safeguarding the personal information you share while engaging with our services and website.

Data Collection Essentials

When agencies partner with us or use our services, we may collect essential information like names, email addresses, phone numbers, and payment details to facilitate transactions and communication. Additionally, we gather data on website interaction—think IP addresses and browser types—to enhance your experience, all obtained through cookies and similar technologies.

Utilizing Your Trusted Data

Service Billing & Activation

We use your information to process transactions, deliver services, and maintain open communication.

Enhancing Experience

Analyzing user data helps us refine our website and services for better accessibility and relevance.

Targeted Marketing

With permission, we might send updates or promotional materials. Opting out is always an option.

Information Sharing & Disclosure

Third-Party Partnerships

We collaborate with third parties to enrich our service offerings, with a strict policy for them to maintain the confidentiality of your data.

Legal Obligations

We disclose personal information if required by law.

Business Changes

In events like mergers or acquisitions, your data may be transferred, and you’ll be informed accordingly.

Protecting Your Information

We’re committed to protecting your data with reasonable security measures, acknowledging that no system is infallible but striving for the utmost confidentiality and integrity of your information.

Your Data, Your Rights

Access & Updates

You’re entitled to view or amend your personal information. Contact us for assistance.

Opt-Out Anytime

Unsubscribe from marketing communications easily through contact options provided.

Policy Updates

We update our Privacy Policy as needed, posting changes on our website. Stay informed by reviewing it periodically.

Reach Out

For questions or concerns about our privacy practices or your data, please contact us at:

US Office

1309 Coffeen Avenue, Ste 1200,

Sheridan, WY 82801

India Office

120, Aggarwal City Square, Mangalam Place, sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085″


US Phone: +1 209 813 4209
India Phone:9891463330

Engaging with our services signifies your agreement with this Privacy Policy. If our data handling practices don’t align with your expectations, we understand if you choose not to use our services.